
One million down, one million to go

September 19, 2024

JDCA achieved a major milestone in the past week: we made our one-millionth Jewish voter contact in this election. These phone calls, text messages, and door knocks are the most impactful way of influencing the vote, and they come on top of JDCA PAC ads reaching Jewish voters in key states.

We know Jewish Americans can and will make the difference in this election, and our efforts are critical to Jewish voter turnout. Our collective work is crucial to sending Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House and electing Democrats who share our values.

We’re celebrating surpassing one million direct voter contacts today, but there is more to be done. Our goal is to make another one million Jewish voter contacts before November 5. This election will be incredibly close. We cannot take any vote for granted. We can do it, but with less than seven weeks left in this campaign, we need your support.

Giving now will have a meaningful impact on contacting one million additional Jewish voters before Election Day because 100% of every donation is being used to help elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, keep the Senate blue, and flip the House.

Your donation to JDCA PAC supports Jewish voter outreach in two crucial ways.

  • Funding phone banks, text banks, and canvases to do direct voter outreach in battleground states and districts.
  • Increasing the reach of our ads targeting Jewish voters – a crucial step in getting them to the polls and ensuring voters are making well-informed decisions.

A recent poll showed 72% of Jewish voters support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in a direct matchup, but polls don’t vote. If we can make one million contacts to Jewish voters in the next 46 days, they can and will make a meaningful difference in this election.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Together, we will elect Democrats.

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America